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Wild Mile Walking Tour

  • Wild Mile 905 W Eastman St Chicago United States (map)

If you've ever had burning questions about the Wild Mile or Urban Rivers, look no further. One of our knowledgable team members will take you on a tour of the Wild Mile, explaining the project's history, architecture, ecology, and more. The tour will take 20-30 minutes, with plenty of time for questions. We'll meet at the entrance to the Wild Mile, behind REI. This tour is entirely outdoors, so please dress warmly during winter months.

This event will repeat on a monthly basis, though the date and time may change according to seasonal needs. If you'd like a tour but can't make it to any available tour dates, email, and we'd be happy to set up a time to show you around! 

This event is free and open to everyone. Walk-ups are welcome, but if possible, please RSVP using the link below.

March 13

River Ranger Social

March 19

March Wild Mile S'Mores Night