New Year, Same River

Looking Back on 2024

2024 was our busiest year yet (though we say that every year). We felt the support of our ever-growing community through two new installations, international recognition, and our most far-reaching season ever for volunteerism and programs. A few of our proudest achievements include:

  • 6,000 square feet of floating wetlands added

  • 55,000+ visits to the Wild Mile

  • 6,389 program participants

  • 5,276 volunteer hours logged by 618 River Rangers

  • 1,408 students educated on field trips

As we enter the new year, we’re incredibly grateful for all of you who care about transforming urban waterways into wildlife sanctuaries, and we’re excited to see what the future holds!

Winter Wildlife!

While we’re huddled indoors avoiding the cold weather, Chicagoland’s feathered friends are still booked and busy! Seeds from native plants provide crucial calories for starlings and house sparrows, and diminished foliage makes it easy for hawks and falcons to spot prey. We’re all excited for the greenery to make a return, but don’t forget to visit the river during the colder months as well - you’ll see birds so fluffy it defies physics!

January Events Calendar

The weather is properly chilly, but we still have some fun events planned for the winter season! Event descriptions and RSVP links can always be found on the events page of our website.

Office Insights

New Year’s Resolutions

Here at the Urban Rivers office, we strive for continuous self-betterment. In this spirit, we’re sharing with you our New Year’s resolutions so that they may serve as an inspiration to you all.

Phil:Finally train a clan of raccoons to do my bidding

Sage:Stop eating the mint that grows on the Wild Mile

Maya:Make it a whole year without driving someone to the ER

Stephen:Get my face on the front page of the newspaper twice per month instead of just once.

Nick:Train bubba not to sleep on the office couch”

Bubba:Sleep on the office couch more often


Winter Wetlands, Winter Wonderland


Help Us Build Mussel Mass!