New Plants, New Animals
We’re finishing up the extension!
Installation - We’re Almost Done
Our planting substrate has been spread and our seedlings have been planted! After just a few more finishing touches, we’ll be ready to present the newest section of the Wild Mile to the world. You can read more about the expansion in this Block Club Chicago article!
Last Chance for Summer Programs
September is the last month of consistently decent weather, which means it’s also the last month for our regular summer programming! This includes our Thursday evening Wild Mile Workshop series and our Monday Bubbly Creek Community Kayaking. Don’t miss out - RSVP before it’s too late!
Baby Animals!
Though springtime brings the heaviest influx of baby wildlife, late summer also features some distinct characters! Barely-fledged swallows receive food from their mothers, awkward adolescent herons scout out hunting grounds, and fearless baby beavers bless the Wild Mile with their presence. We’re excited to see the river so full of life, and we wish these newbies well as they start preparing for winter!
September Events Calendar
We have lots of cool events happening in September! Event descriptions and RSVP links can always be found on the events page of our website.
Urban Rivers Events:
PARTNER EVENT: Snails on a Bike Present: Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl: Multiple Dates
Wild Mile Workshop: Fishing the Chicago River: History, perspectives, spots, and techniques with Dale Bowman and JeffNolan: September 5th, 6 - 7:30pm
Wild Mile Art Night: September 6th, 6 - 7:30pm
Wild Mile S’mores Night: September 11th, 6 - 7:30pm
Wild Mile Workshop: Plastic Pollution Mosaic Sculptures with Molly Biagi and Allison Kish: September 12th, 6 - 7:30pm
Volunteer Informational Session: September 14th, 3 - 4:00pm
CatJam Chicago Jam Session: September 18th, 7 - 10:00pm
Wild Mile Walking Tour: September 19th, 5:30 - 6:00pm
Wild Mile Workshop: Al Scorch (Topic TBA): September 19th, 6 - 7:30pm
PARTNER EVENT: Riverfront Yoga Experience at the Wild Mile with Grace Pisula: September 24th, 6 - 7:00pm
River Ranger Social: September 25th, 6 - 7:30pm (Off Color Brewing)
Wild Mile Workshop: Community Science with Sarah Zhou Rosengard: September 26th, 6 - 7:30pm
PARTNER EVENT: Gentle Yoga and Breath Science with Ericka Johnson: September 28th, 12 - 12:45
Support Us - Chicago Reach Golf Tournament!
Our partners at Chicago Reach are hosting a golf tournament this month - a portion of proceeds support our organization! We’ll be there, so if you’re looking for a fun way to support us, sign up and come say hi!
Office Insights
Much like a cat leaving a dead bird on its owner’s stoop, the river generously presents our volunteers with a plethora of unique treasures. With much of our kayaking season behind us, the office is rapidly filling up these offerings. We don’t have much use for them, but we appreciate the gesture.
Three-legged coyote!
Bachelorette party remnants!
Creepy baby! Its eyes are completely black!
Deity! It cancels out the curse of the creepy baby!